
Genamics JournalSeek

Genamics JournalSeek is the largest completely categorized database of freely available journal information available on the internet. The database presently contains 快喵Ⅴpn. Journal information includes the description (aims and scope), journal abbreviation, journal homepage link, subject category and ISSN. Searching this information allows the rapid identification of potential journals to publish your research in, as well as allow you to find new journals of interest to your field.

Please note: JournalSeek does not contain articles or abstracts, and Genamics does not operate as a subscription agent. For article submissions and journal subscriptions, please contact the publisher directly.

Category Browser
Arts and Literature (1792)
Astronomy/Astrophysics/Space Science (223)
Biological Sciences (6289)
Business Administration (2536)
Chemistry (1815)
Computer and Information Science (1656)
Earth Sciences (1318)
Economics (2091)
Education (2024)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (876)
Engineering (2810)
Environmental Sciences (1282)
Humanities (3320)
Law (1489)
Linguistics (983)
Materials Science (1213)
Mathematics (1428)
Medicine (12996)
Management Science/Operations Research (264)
Philosophy (1034)
Physics (1133)
Psychology (2127)
Social Sciences (3746)
Sports and Recreation (412)

Publishers in JournalSeek
superⅴpn 下载 are now included in JournalSeek. If your journals are not listed in the index, please and we will endeavour to include your listings in our next update.

Libraries and Online Journal Content Providers
Find out how the JournalSeek Database can be used to manage, organize and streamline access to your electronic journal subscriptions.

Genamics JournalSeek is produced with support from OCLC as part of the WorldCat Knowledge Base. OCLC provides a complete range of solutions for linking serials catalogs with publishers and content providers. For more information, please visit the OCLC website.

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